
Manitoba Public Health Orders As of December 6th, 2021

Manitoba Public Health Orders As of December 6th, 2021

As of December 6, 2021, public health orders require youth between 12 to 17 years old attending indoor sporting facilities (including schools) to provide proof that they have received at least one dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine for COVID‑19.

If they have not had at least one dose, they must provide proof of a pharmacist-confirmed negative result from an approved rapid antigen test, from a test take within the 72 hours before they participate. The public health orders do not allow other health care providers to confirm a test result.

Info sheet -Public Health Orders for Indoor Youth Sport Facilities

What government issued ID is acceptable? Acceptable government issued ID includes provincial driver’s licences, provincial health cards, passports, status cards, permanent resident cards, citizenship cards, social insurance cards and birth certificates. Students may also use school-issued student ID cards.

Information is subject to change according to the number of active cases in the province.

Travel and Isolation
For kids with one dose, especially those travelling to the USA – there are some
self-isolation rules around going back to school, so we suggest this also
applies to sport. More information click here (link).

Selling Rapid COVID-19 Tests to the Public and Rapid Test
Administration/Observation – College of Pharmacists of Manitoba
Recent communication from the provincial COVID-19 Testing Task Force indicates that rapid COVID-19 tests can now be sold directly to the public through pharmacies.
However, it is important to note that international travelers (depending on destination) and individuals required to submit for regular COVID-19 testing under various Public Health Orders (e.g., unvaccinated front-line designated persons, unvaccinated youth aged 12 to 17 participating in and/or attending indoor sporting/recreational facilities, etc.) must use rapid testing kits that are administered and/or observed by a health care professional with a confirmation report generated from the observation. CPhM has received confirmation that the pharmacist can either observe the person self-testing and confirm the result, or perform the test themselves. Regardless of who performs the test, the pharmacist must ensure the test is done properly and
confirm the result.

Members of the public exhibiting signs or symptoms of COVID-19, or having tested positive using a rapid test, must be directed to a provincial testing site immediately. For any questions regarding rapid testing or the public health orders, please contact the COVID-19 Testing Task Force at

CTV News video here (link)

Health Orders here (link)

Rapid Testing for Youth (12-17), Indoor Sport here (link)


COVID-19 Update – Vaccination Status and Sport

COVID-19 Vaccination Status and Sport

According to Dr. Brent Roussin, youth under the age of 18 years do not require COVID 19 vaccinations to participate in sports; this is similar to policies in Manitoba’s schools.   Subject to change according to the number of active cases in the province.  CTV News video here (link).


Summer Training Camp #1


               August 16th, 2021 – August 20th, 2021

The goal of the camp is to prepare the fencer for the next competitive season in all weapons. The emphasis will be on training athletes for Canada Cup 1/2, Canada Games, NAC and International Circuits.  Athletes who have at least one-year fencing are very welcome.

Coach:      Ayach Bounachada – Manitoba Provincial Coach     Tel: 204-229-2935 / 204-925-5696

Venue:    Qualico Training Center, Sport Manitoba, 145 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, MB

Program:  Physical preparation, Footwork, Technical and tactical preparation,


              Provincial Team Members       No Cost

              Out of province athletes            450 $

              National Team Members          250 $

              Athletes from Manitoba            250 $


                    Registration Package  (link)             Training Schedule  




COVID-19 Updated Restrictions


COVID-19 Restrictions Update

This week the Province of Manitoba announced new public health orders that will take effect as of 12:01 a.m. on Saturday, June 12, for a period of two weeks.
Organized sport is still shut down. Though new restrictions allow for limited outdoor gatherings in public spaces and private residences that may include recreational sport, organized, coached team activities are not permitted. 

Dr. Brent Roussin, Manitoba’s chief public health officer, said these changes are not meant to signal a reopening of the province, but to allow Manitobans slightly more social contact after weeks of tight rules.

He added that although the public health orders allow for outdoor gatherings, people are reminded to minimize the number of people they interact with as much as possible. Physical distancing and masks are recommended in outdoor settings for non-household members. While the risk of transmitting COVID-19 in outdoor settings is lower than indoors, transmission can still occur when there is close contact.
Amended from communication fromSport Manitoba

COVID-19 Updated Restrictions


COVID-19 Restrictions Update

 Due to Health Orders issued May 28, no indoor or outdoor fencing training will be conducted by the MFA or MFA affiliated fencing clubs. 

Relevant Health Orders Regarding Sporting and recreational activities

All Manitoba Public Health Orders can be found here (link). Relevant Sport and recreational activities found under Orders 15-17 of the current version (May 28, 2021).

15(1) Subject to subsection (2), outdoor
sporting and recreational facilities, including
golf courses, may open, subject to the
requirements of this section.

15(2) Outdoor pools, splash pads and wading
pools must be closed while these Orders are in

15(3) Persons may engage in any type of
outdoor sporting or recreational activity but they
must not engage in an activity with a person who
does not live at their private residence.

16(1) Except as permitted under Order 18, all indoor sporting facilities, including swimming pools, must be closed while these Orders are in effect.

16(2) Subsection (1) does not prevent
gymnasiums with volleyball or basketball courts in public and private schools from being used for physical education classes and practices during school hours.

17 All gyms, fitness centres and yoga studios must be closed while these Orders are in effect.

ORDRE N o 15

15(1) Sous réserve du paragraphe (2), les installations sportives et récréatives extérieures, notamment les terrains de golf, peuvent ouvrir sous réserve des exigences du présent article.

15(2) Les piscines, les jets d’eau et les pataugeoires extérieurs demeurent fermés tant que les présents ordres sont en vigueur.

15(3) Il est permis de participer à tout type d’activité sportive ou récréative extérieure, mais il est interdit aux personnes qui n’habitent pas la même résidence de le faire ensemble.

ORDRE N o 16

16(1) Sauf dans la mesure permise par l’ordre n o 18, les installations sportives intérieures, notamment les piscines, demeurent fermées tant que les présents ordres sont en vigueur.

16(2) Le paragraphe (1) n’a pas pour effet d’empêcher que lesgymnases des écoles publiques ou privées qui sont dotés de terrains de volleyball ou de basketball soient utilisés pour les pratiques et les cours d’éducation physique pendant les heures de classe.

ORDRE N o 17 17 Les gymnases, les centres de conditionnement physique et les studios de yoga demeurent fermés tant que les présents ordres sont en vigueur.