Coaching News Sport Manitoba

Bison Transport Sport LeadHERship Series

Third Session takes place Wednesday, January 27th at 7 p.m.

Manitoba Fencing invites you to sign up for this FREE online professional development opportunity sponsored by Sport Manitoba and Bison Transport. We hope this event will inspire girls and women to participate in fencing and other sports. We encourage all genders to explore the potential for a lifelong career in sport.

“The annual Bison Transport Sport LeadHERship Series is designed to empower and inspire women to become leaders in sport, community and life. It’s a professional development opportunity designed for coaches, administrators, community leaders, and volunteers of all genders, from all sports, from across Manitoba. Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 it will be a FREE five-part online series that brings together inspirational leaders from all areas of sport to tell their personal and professional stories, offer valuable advice and guidance, and share practical tips that participants can use on and off the field of play. “