MFA 4 Tournament

MFA 4 Open will be held Sunday, March 20, 2022   

Registration Form             Full Info Sheet

Location:  Romeo Dallaire School, 81 CHEMIN QUAIL RIDGE, Winnipeg

Registrations Fees:

U13 & U15 events – $15 + $15 (administrations fees)

All Other Events – $25 + $15 (administration fees)

Age Qualifications

U13 – born 2010 or later

U15 – born 2008 or later

U17 (Cadet) – born 2006 or later

U20 (Junior) – born 2003 or later

Open (Senior) – Open

Masters – 30 years and older

Equipment Check (on-site): Sunday March 20, starting from 8am

Schedule Events (subject to change based on entries)

Sunday February 20th



8:00 AM Equipment Check
8:00 AM Registration
9:00 AM   U17 Foil
9:00 AM   U15 Epee
9:00 AM   U15 Sabre
10:00 AM Veteran Epee
11:00 AM U 17 Sabre
11:00 AM U 20 Epee
11:30 AM U15 Foil
11:30 AM Open FoilNote that the time of the event is the starting time.

Events may be combined (age and/or gender), where appropriate.


12:00 PM   U13 Epee
12:00 PM   U13 Foil
12:00 PM   U13 Sabre​
12:30 PM   Open Epee
12:30 PM   U20 Sabre
2:30 PM     U17 Epee
2:30 PM     Veteran Foil
2:30 PM     U20 Foil
2:30 PM     Open Sabre
4:30 End

MFA 3 February 20

MFA 3 Open, will be held Sunday, Feburary 20, 2022   

Registration Form             Full Info Sheet

Location:  81 CHEMIN QUAIL RIDGE, Winnipeg

Registrations Fees:

U13 & U15 events – $15 + $15 (administrations fees)

All Other Events – $25 + $15 (administration fees)

Age Qualifications

U13 – born 2010 or later

U15 – born 2008 or later

U17 (Cadet) – born 2007 or later

U20 (Junior) – born 2003 or later

Open (Senior) – Open

Masters – 30 years and older

Equipment Check (on-site): Sunday February 20, staring from 7:30am

Schedule Events (subject to change based on entries)

Sunday February 20th



8:00 AM Equipment Check

8:00 – 8:00 Registration Check

9:00 AM   U17 Foil
9:00 AM   U15 Epee

9:00 AM   Open Sabre
9:00 AM   U15 Sabre
10:00 AM Veteran Epee
11:00 AM U 17 Sabre
11:00 AM U 20 Epee
11:30 AM U15 Foil
11:30 AM Open Foil

Note that the time of the event is the starting time.

Events may be combined (age and/or gender), where appropriate.



12:00 PM   U13 Epee
12:00 PM   U13 Foil
12:00 PM   U13 Sabre​
12:30 PM   Open Epee
12:30 PM   U20 Sabre
2:30 PM     U17 Epee
2:30 PM     Veteran Foil
2:30 PM     U20 Foil

4:30 End


The first tournament of the season, the MFA 1 Open, will be held November 20th   

Registration Form             Full Info Sheet

Location: Dakota Community Centre – Great Hall (Upstairs) 1188 Dakota St, Winnipeg, MB R2N 3T8

Registrations Fees:

U13 & U15 events – $15 + $15 (administrations fees)

All Other Events – $25 + $15 (administration fees)

Age Qualifications

U13 – born 2009 or later

U15 – born 2007 or later

U17 (Cadet) – born 2006 or later

U20 (Junior) – born 2002 or later

Open (Senior) – Open

Masters – 30 years old and over

Equipment Check (on-site): Friday November 19, 5:30-8pm and Saturday November 20, 7-8am.

Schedule Events (subject to change based on entries)

        Friday                                               Saturday

5:30 – 8:00 pm Equipment Check

Morning Afternoon
7:00 – 8:00 AM Equipment Check

8:00 – 8:00 Registration Check

9:00 AM   U17 Foil
9:00 AM   U15 Epee
9:00 AM   U15 Sabre
10:00 AM Veteran Epee
11:00 AM U 17 Sabre
11:00 AM U 20 Epee
11:30 AM U15 Foil
11:30 AM Open Foil

Note that the time of the event is the starting time.




12:00 PM   U13 Epee
12:00 PM   U13 Foil
12:00 PM   U13 Sabre​
12:30 PM Open Epee
12:30 PM U20 Sabre
2:30 PM U17 Epee
2:30 PM Veteran Foil
2:30 PM U20 Foil

4:30 End