
Head to Head Coaching Seminar

Coaches and Fencing – your coaching pathway awaits! CFF Coach Development Seminar (online)

Highly recommended for all levels of coaches/coaches in training Sunday, July 24, 6pm
Register here (link)

Get started as a fencing coach and continue on a challenging but rewarding pathway to support fencer development in Canada. This webinar will provide an overview of four current coaching pathways in fencing and help participants gain access to a myriad of coach training opportunities to become passionate, confident coaches.
Titre: Les entraîneurs et l’escrime – votre cheminement d’entraîneur(e) vous attend!
 Faites vos débuts en tant qu’entraîneur(e) d’escrime et poursuivez sur une voie stimulante mais enrichissante pour soutenir le développement des escrimeurs au Canada. Ce séminaire sur Internet donnera un aperçu des quatre cheminements actuels pour devenir entraîneur(e) en escrime et aidera les participants à accéder à une myriade de possibilités de formation pour devenir des entraîneurs passionnés et confiants.



July 23 and July 24, 9 am to 3 pm

Registration and Info Form (pdf)

Register by Friday, July 15

Over the summer holidays, do the sport you love and improve your fundamentals! Our camp is run by the most experienced coaches in the province.

For:  All fencers, ages 15 and under, who have less than 3 years of fencing. Provincial Team Members are very welcome.

Weapon: Foil/Sabre/Epee

Equipment: Provided for those who require it. Please book in advance indicating equipment needs.


Zach Allard, Rapier Fencing Head Coach, and Provincial Team Assistant Coach. (Supervisor)

Noah Merz Lakser, Lightning Foil Coach

Xavier Slocombe, Rapier Fencing Sabre Coach


Prepare the next Canada Games Generation

  • Learn to train
  • Develop your fundamentals
  • Fun activities

Fees:    100 $ for the weekend




August 15 to 19, 9 am to 3 pm

Registration and Info Form (pdf)

Register by Friday, August 12

The goal of the camp is to prepare the fencer for the next competitive season in all weapons. The emphasis will be on training athletes for Canada Cup 1/2, Canada Games, NAC and International Circuits. Athletes who have at least one year of fencing are very welcome.

Coaches: Ayach Bounachada – Manitoba Provincial Coach

Daria Jorquera Palmer  – Assistant Coach

Zach Allard                        – Assistant Coach

Venue: Qualico Training Center, Sport Manitoba: 145 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg

Program: Physical preparation, footwork, technical, and tactical preparation.


Provincial Team Members       Free

Out of-province athletes            450 $

National Team Members          250 $

Athletes from Manitoba            250 $


Jordan is Star Studded!

If you are able to get a copy of the June 1 Winnipeg Free Press or have an online subscription, check out our local star, Jordan Diacos, in the news.

This story describes Jordan’s preservernce as an athlete through the pandemic, his goals, and a few hints as to what his future holds!

Free Press article online here (link) 

Image credit: Winnipeg Free Press

AGM News

MFA AGM 2022 – June 15 at 6pm

Manitoba Fencing Association Annual General Meeting 2022

will be held on Wednesday, June 15, 6pm at the Irish Association of Manitoba – 654 Erin Street  (check in starting at 5:30pm)

To register or for questions email Sean at by Friday, June 10, 2022.

*The following documents and reports uploaded when available:

Documents:       2021 Minutes      MFA bylaws       AGM Agenda         Board Nomination Form         Proxy Voting Form

Reports:                 President                 Treasurer                    Provincial Coach               Executive Director

  • At all general meetings, the presence of ten (10) voting members (not including proxy votes) of the Association, as defined by these By-Laws, shall constitute Quorum.
  • Members must have held their membership at least twenty-one (21) days prior to a general meeting if they are to exercise their right to vote.

Membership can be renewed here (link).

MFA bylaws can be found here (link).  Board positions for election are:

  • Vice President (2 year term)
  • Treasurer (2 year term)
  • Vice President – Athlete Development (2 year term)
  • Board member at large (1 year term)


  • Shall replace the President in case the President is not available to preside due to illness or resignation or absence.
  • The Vice-President shall be a signatory authority for all correspondence and transactions of the Association including all financial transactions.
  • The Vice-President must be a member in good standing of the CFF.
  • In case the Vice-President replaces the President during the term of office, he/she shall assume the full responsibility of the President, and shall serve for the remainder of the Presidential term. If the Vice-President chooses to not give up their position to fill the remainder of the Presidential term, he/she will assume the Presidential position until a general meeting of the Association is convened within 60 days to elect a new President or Vice-President.


  • Shall, in conjunction with the Executive Director of the MFA, review and consult on all financial transactions of the Association and prepare and submit budgets at Executive, Board and general meetings.
  • Shall ensure that funds of the Association are deposited in the appropriate accounts (Bank or Trust).
  • Has signing authority with the President or other members of the Executive for all financial transactions of the Association.
  • Shall be responsible for taxation matters of the Association.
  • Shall serve as President in succession following the 1st Vice President.

Vice-President – Athlete Development

  • Organize training camps in conjunction with the Vice-President – Technical and the Provincial Coach/Technical Director.
  • Organize provincial programs in conjunction with the Vice-President-Technical and the Provincial Coach/Technical Director.
  • Organize provincial outreach programs and school programs in conjunction with the Vice-President – Technical and the Provincial Coach/Technical Director.

Board Members-at-Large:

Duties will be determined by the MFA Executive.


Proposed ByLaw Change
Proposed for community vote at AGM: “Allow electronic attendance at AGM provided attendees provide 2 weeks notice. If 2 weeks notice is not possible due to extenuating circumstances, requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis”