AGM News

MFA AGM 2021 – June 28 at 7pm

Manitoba Fencing Association Annual General Meeting 2021

will be held on Monday, June 28, 7 pm over Zoom.

To register or for questions, email Sean at by Friday, June 25, 2022. Assistance prior to the meeting is available (ie. set up an account, access a meeting room, ask questions etc.)

Documents:          2020 Minutes        MFA bylaws            AGM Agenda           Board Nomination Form           Proxy Voting Form

Reports:                 President                 Treasurer                    Provincial Coach                          Executive Director

  • At all general meetings, the presence of ten (10) voting members (not including proxy votes) of the Association, as defined by these By-Laws, shall constitute Quorum.
  • Members must have held their membership at least twenty-one (21) days prior to a general meeting if they are to exercise their right to vote.

Membership can be renewed here (link).

Positions For Election

  • President (2 year term)
  • Corporate Secretary (2 year term)
  • Vice-President – Technical (2 year term)
  • Board member at large (1 year term)


  • Shall act as chair of all General Meetings, and all meetings of the Board.
  • Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Association.
  • Shall be a signatory authority for all correspondence and transactions of the Association including all financial transactions.
  • During meetings of the Board the President will only vote in case of a tie.
  • The President shall represent the Association at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Fencing Federation.
  • The President shall be responsible for the employees or contractors of the Association.
  • The President shall not hold office with a fencing club, except that a club officer may be elected as President, but then must resign from the club office not more than thirty days after being elected as President. The President must be a member in good standing of the CFF.

Corporate Secretary:

  • Shall record and keep minutes of all Executive, Board and General Meetings.
  • Shall be responsible for counting and recording all votes, and the outcome there from, at all Executive, Board and General meetings.
  • Shall be a signatory authority for financial transactions.
  • Shall be responsible for ensuring a yearly review of the By-Laws.
  • Shall be responsible for ensuring yearly Corporate documents are filed with the Corporations Branch of the Government of Manitoba.
  • Shall, in conjunction with the Executive Director of the MFA, review and consult on all financial transactions of the Association and prepare and submit budgets at Executive, Board and general meetings.
  • Shall ensure that funds of the Association are deposited in the appropriate accounts (Bank or Trust).
  • Has signing authority with the President or other members of the Executive for all financial transactions of the Association.
  • Shall be responsible for taxation matters of the Association.
  • Shall serve as President in succession following the 1st Vice President.

Vice-President – Technical

  • Shall establish, in conjunction with the Provincial Coach, and distribute an annual competition schedule.
  • Organize competitions and distribute and collect entry forms.
  • Tabulate and keep up-to-date records of competitive points and provincial rankings.
  • Schedule and organize coaches and officials clinics.
  • Oversee the Provincial fencing programs in cooperation with the Vice-President – Athlete Development.
  • Vice-President – Athlete Development
  • Organization of training camps in conjunction with the Vice-President – Technical and the Provincial Coach/Technical Director.
  • Organization of provincial programs in conjunction with the Vice-President-Technical and the Provincial Coach/Technical Director.
  • Organization of provincial outreach programs and school programs in conjunction with the Vice-President – Technical and the Provincial Coach/Technical Director.

Board Members-at-Large:

Duties will be determined by the MFA Executive.


COVID-19 Updated Restrictions


COVID-19 Restrictions Update

 Due to Health Orders issued May 28, no indoor or outdoor fencing training will be conducted by the MFA or MFA affiliated fencing clubs. 

Relevant Health Orders Regarding Sporting and recreational activities

All Manitoba Public Health Orders can be found here (link). Relevant Sport and recreational activities found under Orders 15-17 of the current version (May 28, 2021).

15(1) Subject to subsection (2), outdoor
sporting and recreational facilities, including
golf courses, may open, subject to the
requirements of this section.

15(2) Outdoor pools, splash pads and wading
pools must be closed while these Orders are in

15(3) Persons may engage in any type of
outdoor sporting or recreational activity but they
must not engage in an activity with a person who
does not live at their private residence.

16(1) Except as permitted under Order 18, all indoor sporting facilities, including swimming pools, must be closed while these Orders are in effect.

16(2) Subsection (1) does not prevent
gymnasiums with volleyball or basketball courts in public and private schools from being used for physical education classes and practices during school hours.

17 All gyms, fitness centres and yoga studios must be closed while these Orders are in effect.

ORDRE N o 15

15(1) Sous réserve du paragraphe (2), les installations sportives et récréatives extérieures, notamment les terrains de golf, peuvent ouvrir sous réserve des exigences du présent article.

15(2) Les piscines, les jets d’eau et les pataugeoires extérieurs demeurent fermés tant que les présents ordres sont en vigueur.

15(3) Il est permis de participer à tout type d’activité sportive ou récréative extérieure, mais il est interdit aux personnes qui n’habitent pas la même résidence de le faire ensemble.

ORDRE N o 16

16(1) Sauf dans la mesure permise par l’ordre n o 18, les installations sportives intérieures, notamment les piscines, demeurent fermées tant que les présents ordres sont en vigueur.

16(2) Le paragraphe (1) n’a pas pour effet d’empêcher que lesgymnases des écoles publiques ou privées qui sont dotés de terrains de volleyball ou de basketball soient utilisés pour les pratiques et les cours d’éducation physique pendant les heures de classe.

ORDRE N o 17 17 Les gymnases, les centres de conditionnement physique et les studios de yoga demeurent fermés tant que les présents ordres sont en vigueur.

Coaching News Sport Manitoba

Fencing Featured On TV Show

In a full 22-minute episode, follow some of Manitoba’s Francophone fencers and coaches as they showcase athletic life in Manitoba.

Featured in this episode:

  • Women’s Sabre Athlete Khloé Lessard-Kulchyski
  • Men’s Sabre Athlete Xavier Slocombe 
  • Men’s Sabre Athlete Zacharia Bounachada
  • Manitoba’s Provincial Coach Ayach Bounachada
  • Rapier Fencing Club Coach Zachary Allard 

Hors Quebec is at TV series that gives voice to the new face of the Canadian Francophone members living outside of Quebec. The host ventures out to meet communities that have adapted to live in their language and culture on a daily basis.

Hors Quebec TV Showcases Manitoba Fencing

Coaching News Sport Manitoba

Bison Transport Sport LeadHERship Series

Third Session takes place Wednesday, January 27th at 7 p.m.

Manitoba Fencing invites you to sign up for this FREE online professional development opportunity sponsored by Sport Manitoba and Bison Transport. We hope this event will inspire girls and women to participate in fencing and other sports. We encourage all genders to explore the potential for a lifelong career in sport.

“The annual Bison Transport Sport LeadHERship Series is designed to empower and inspire women to become leaders in sport, community and life. It’s a professional development opportunity designed for coaches, administrators, community leaders, and volunteers of all genders, from all sports, from across Manitoba. Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 it will be a FREE five-part online series that brings together inspirational leaders from all areas of sport to tell their personal and professional stories, offer valuable advice and guidance, and share practical tips that participants can use on and off the field of play. “


Profiles in Resilience

Profiles in Resilience

Throughout the pandemic, Manitoba Fencing builds resilience through online training and positive thinking. Sport Manitoba recently profiled the methods and tools in our resilience building strategy. 

Resilience Building Tools

  • Positive Thinking
  • Virtual Training Programs
  • Virtual Bout Analysis
  • Video Review & Group Discussion with Coach Ayach
  • Building Capacity to manage stress

Read the full article:

How Manitoba’s Fencing Community Continues to Adjust to a Changing Environment

Visit the September 2020 MFA Newsletter for more information on the upcoming season!